The following summary of the history and goals of this organization appeared in the SZT's Spring 1998 newsletter:
By the late 1930's, changes in demographics, agriculture, the movement west, and rapid travel by auto had rendered many small colonial churches obsolete. As congregations declined, the buildings deteriorated, cemeteries became overgrown, headstones toppled and upkeep simply overwhelmed the few remaining members. Many were abandoned.
In July 1938, the eight remaining members of The Dutch Reformed St. Paul’s church in Manheim (our Snell’s Bush Church) sadly voted (7-1) to disband, dismantle the church rather than letting it fall down, and replace it with a monument to provide historical continuity. One month later, August 28, 1938, a reunion of the Snell, Zimmerman, and Timmerman families took place at Klock Park in nearby St. Johnsville. To it, Miss Emma Timmerman reported the decision of the Snell’s Bush congregation to disband. Regret over the proposal and loss of this landmark, it’s attached cemetery, and the annexed (1924) lower Manheim Rural Cemetery crystalized a year later at the second reunion, and a committee was formed to raise the cost of repairs.
During the ensuing years, as gifts were received and repairs made, and the scope of the endeavor became apparent, the need to incorporate was realized. Accordingly, application was made, denied, revised, and finally approved on October 5, 1943, granting incorporation to the Snell-Zimmerman-Timmerman Reunion, Inc., as a Membership Corporation under the Laws of the State of New York. The Corporation’s objectives were (and are):
These are known, collectively, as the Corporation’s challenging objectives. Membership was established by the original bylaws (1942): First, all descendants of the Snell, Zimmerman, Timmerman ancestors, by virtue of their ancestry, are corporate members. Secondly, all descendants of ancestors who at any time were affiliated with the Snell’s Bush church or are buried in either of the two cemeteries, manifesting practical interest in the above objectives, shall be associate members. Thirdly, other persons who by gift or deed demonstrate a vital interest in promoting the above objectives shall be associate members.
For further information about the Reunion, write to:
Snell- Zimmerman-Timmerman Reunion, Inc.
P.O. Box 623, Little Falls, NY 13365